Project Child Indonesia

Project Child Indonesia is a local non-profit organisation based in Yogyakarta and Pacitan, focusing on providing complementary education for children and communities.

152145.86 ($471.77)
ETN raised by 160 supporters

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  • Project Foundation
  • WONDER Foundation
  • Project Child
  • Project Child

Established in 2011, we have focused mainly on educating riverside communities and coastal areas on health, environment, and disaster relief. We also implement a Drinking Water Program at elementary schools in Yogyakarta, Pacitan, Fakfak, and Banten, where we provide water filter facilities and deliver educational campaigns on health and environment. Internet Literacy is our latest program where we deliver campaigns on how to use the internet responsibly for elementary school students. Project Child Indonesia’s mission and priority is to have a positive impact on children and vulnerable communities through our sustainable programs.
Registered Charity No: na

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Project Child Indonesia's supporters

50 ETN


Oct 08, 06:57:16

211 ETN


Aug 23, 00:40:37

225 ETN


Aug 02, 02:03:35

Explore Project Child's Indonesia's projects

Red:GLOW WONDER Foundation

Sekolah Sungai

The majority of the community at the riverbank areas are considered vulnerable in terms of economic disadvantage, prone to natural disasters and pollution...

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Fatima WONDER Foundation

Sekolah Pantai

At the beginning of 2014 Project Child came up with the idea of Sekolah Pantai (Beach School) and the desire to provide the project´s own teaching facilities that offers the kids a broad field for experience and learning...

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Project GROW by WONDER Foundation

Drinking Water Program

To be properly functioned, our body requires adequate water intake. Especially for children at schools, drinking water intake affects their study performance...

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