How long does it take for my chosen charity to receive their donations?

Donations via ETN Donate are processed using ETN-Network’s Instant Payment Notification System. This means your chosen charity is notified instantly of your donation that you’ve donated to them.

Does ETN Donate charge any fees?

ETN Donate does not receive any profits and none of our NGOs/charities are charged a fee to use this platform, however, there is a small transaction fee equivalent to a fraction of a US cent to the sender when making payments through the ETN App.

How can I feature on ETN Donate?

We are currently only accepting applications from Non-governmental organisations and charities that match certain criteria, however this is subject to change. View the guide to getting set up and Apply to feature on ETN Donate. 

How do I contact customer services?

The customer support team can be contacted through the support ticket system here.

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