The Children’s Fund of Malawi

Through their project Green Malata, The Children’s Fund of Malawi is empowering Malawian youth through vocational and entrepreneurial training in preparation for employment and entrepreneurship.

Lawyers for Good, acting on behalf of The Children's Fund of Malawi, share in the Electroneum Block reward by being an ETN Blockchain validator.

121932.23 ($266.28)
ETN raised by 190 supporters

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In Malawi, children who finish secondary school enter a job market where only 10% of graduates are able to find formal employment. Since opening their entrepreneurial training village, "Green Malata" in 2014, The Children’s Fund Malawi has trained over 920 young adults from Mulanje, Thyolo, Phalombe, and Chiradzulo districts to become bakers, welders, farmers, electricians, IT specialists, tailors, hairdressers and hospitality managers. Over three-quarters of their young graduates have gone on to find employment or have started their own businesses and many now enough to get themselves out of poverty.

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ANBI number: 820439289

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The Children's Fund Malawi supporters

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